Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We Have Fruit Trees!

A few days ago we were having fencing estimates done on the house and the first fencing contractor (an older gentleman) pointed out to us that we have a Cherry and Pear tree! Low and behold I get my camera out and zoom in on the tree to find it covered in cherries. I am so excited! The tree has to be pretty old, its about 25-30 food tall so Im defiantly going to need a ladder for cherry picking. The pear tree is also covered in fruit however, someone chopped it down almost to a stump and now it looks like a big bush because of all the off shoots. For the time being we are going to let it continue to fruit this year and then decide if it should stay or we should start over with a proper tree. 

1 comment:

  1. Old houses often come with old fruit trees! We have a cherry tucked between the garage and the fence, and two ancient and TALL apple trees. No fruit off of either, as the squirrels get it every year. One of our apple trees was chopped down to a stump at one point, and then more tree grew around the stump. It's pretty cool.
